Sunday, May 18, 2014

The end is (thankfully) near

As I finish up my work Saturday night (early Sunday morning, really), it dawns on me that I have less than two weeks left at the Idaho State Journal.

Way less than two weeks. And I couldn't be happier.

I will work my regular four days next week, but then I am off the Las Vegas with my wife and kids to see my mother. (Note: She doesn't care about me anymore. She wants to see her grandchildren!) My vacation comes at an opportune time as I am super anxious to leave this newspaper and move on to the next chapter of my life.

It also means I only have to work one day of my last week.

The closer I get to the end the more trunky I become. May 30th cannot get here fast enough. Well, except for the days when I get to be on vacation. They can take their sweet time.

Anyway, this is a short post, but it comes with a lovely picture of my family. It's a little old, but the cuteness factor of my children is clearly visible — it's equally obvious they get their looks from their mother.

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