Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I added an Urban Dictionary definition of the term "University of Idaho"

Read it straight from the website here. (There was already a really good one posted). Mine is still being reviewed before it will be posted, but I went ahead and pasted it here for your pleasure. Enjoy!

University of Idaho

Forever the little brother of its fellow school on The Palouse and its in-state "rival" down south, the University of Idaho is used to playing second fiddle. So it comes as no surprise that after being passed by that same in-state college in every academic and athletic spectrum, the butt-hurt pouring from the University of Idaho is at an all-time high.

Despite its self-appointed title as "the Harvard of the West," there are zero nationally-ranked graduate programs or nationally-prominent faculty members to be found. Better known for its rampant drinking and alcoholism among its student population, the University of Idaho is more a waste of mommy and daddy's money that it is an actual establishment of higher learning.

The school's location, Moscow, Idaho, is a cold, bitter wasteland where only Neo-Nazi skinheads and right-wing nut jobs are comfortable and welcome (Larry Craig, Sarah Palin are graduates). The only bright spot is leaving.

The University of Idaho football team is only competitive against Division II programs, making its losses to them that much more humiliating. Then again, the school is used to that feeling as it plays in an over-sized bathroom stall known as the Kibbie Dome. Not only is losing as natural as breathing to the Vandals, the football team also gets banned from postseason play (not that they would ever qualify anyway) due to poor academic progress reports. To rub salt in the wound, its in-state rival is ranked in the top 3 nationally for average GPA among its football team.

Despite the Vandals' pathetic attempts to remain athletically relevant, its in-state rival has surpassed it by light years. Instead of admitting the ship has sailed, the University of Idaho leadership persists on "saving face" and whores out its football program for money games and, most recently, the Sun Belt Conference.


"I used to love Cher, but she's pulling a University of Idaho and just needs to call it quits."

"My friend has everything. I'm so jealous of him, call me University of Idaho."

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